Nuevo mes, nueva reunión!
En verano, hemos reducido la cantidad de las reuniones por causa de las vacaciones, pero de la misma manera, las disfrutamos!
Pizza fué el menú y muchas noticias y cosas lindas!
Se habló sobre la Semana Mundial de Rotaract y cual será nuestra participación. También sobre el ERAUP y el nuevo lema de Rotary para el período 2008-2009 y como tema principal de la reunión hablamos de La Paz, ya que el 30 de enero se cumplieron 60 años de la muerte de "Mahatma" Gandhi y desde entonces esa fecha fue elegida por las Naciones Unidas como día mundial para conmemorar el Día de la Paz.
Como noticias internacionales, marcamos la fecha en que "El Sur se hará el Norte" II Parte! La visita nuestra a Quilmes tuvo sus frutos, y el sábado 8 de Marzo, ellos nos estarán visitando bajo el lema de "Si el norte fuera el Sur, habría asado! jaja "en un estupendo almuerzo! Muchas Gracias por la buena onda!
Otra noticias internacional linda es que empezaremos relaciones con Rotaract Club de Tirupur Sangaman, Distrito 3400 de la India!
Muchas cosas ahora, y muchas mas vendrán!
¡Rotaract es Rotary en Accion!
New Month, new meeting!
During the summer, we’ve decided to reduce meetings quantify from 2 per month to 1 per month, but we enjoy them as much as always!
This Time, Pizza was the main menu with a lot of nice news!
We’ve spoken about the Rotaract World Week and how important it would be since Rotaract meets 40th anniversary! Also, we talked about ERAUP and the new phrase of the year "Let’s make the dreams true". But the main theme was The Peace as on January 30th of 1948 "Mahatma" Gandhi has been killed and from that day, it is known as "The day of the Peace".
In International part, a date has been settled in our calendar on March, 8th as Rotaract club of Quilmes will come to have lunch with us! Thank you in advance!
International news is that we’ve been talking with people from Rotaract Club de Tirupur Sangaman, District 3400 from India!
A lot of things have passed and more than that will come!
Rotaract is Rotary in action!
During the summer, we’ve decided to reduce meetings quantify from 2 per month to 1 per month, but we enjoy them as much as always!
This Time, Pizza was the main menu with a lot of nice news!
We’ve spoken about the Rotaract World Week and how important it would be since Rotaract meets 40th anniversary! Also, we talked about ERAUP and the new phrase of the year "Let’s make the dreams true". But the main theme was The Peace as on January 30th of 1948 "Mahatma" Gandhi has been killed and from that day, it is known as "The day of the Peace".
In International part, a date has been settled in our calendar on March, 8th as Rotaract club of Quilmes will come to have lunch with us! Thank you in advance!
International news is that we’ve been talking with people from Rotaract Club de Tirupur Sangaman, District 3400 from India!
A lot of things have passed and more than that will come!
Rotaract is Rotary in action!